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Login details

Log into your account

Log in using your email and password. Use the email that was used to create your account. If you haven’t changed your password since your first login, your password hasn’t changed.

Forgot which email you used? Contact the facility.

Forgot your password? Tap Forgot Password.

To log out:

  1. Tap Menu and then Settings

  2. Tap Log out

You will receive an email if your account has been deactivated. You will also have no access to the app and receive a partial refund of your subscription.

Being unable to access your account could be for a number of reasons:

  • Your monthly subscription has ended

  • Your account has been deactivated by your loved ones’ Primary Contact

If your account has been deactivated by one of the above reasons, you will have received an email addressing the next steps. If you’re still having trouble contact our Support Team.

Change your password

To change your password if you’re already logged in, follow the steps below.

  1. Tap the menu.

  2. Tap Settings and then Password Reset.

  3. Type your current password and new password and re-type new password, then tap submit.

To change your password if you’re logged out, follow the steps below.  

  1. Tap Forgot password at login. You will be redirected to an external Forgot your password page.

  2. Type in your username/email and tap submit. Make sure this is the email you used to sign up. An email with a new password will be sent to your email.

  3. Type in your new password to log in.

Unfortunately, we cannot resend a copy of your current password. We suggest you reset your password if you have forgotten it.

Profile details

Edit your profile

We are working on this feature! In the meantime, you can send a photo to the facility, who can upload the photo for you.

If your role is a Family Member, you will need to send the photo to the Primary Contact within your family. They will then be able to forward the photo onto the facility.

Unfortunately no, at this time you cannot edit the details of your loved one. If you find an issue or need information changed contact your facility.

In your profile, you have either Primary Contact or Family Member underneath your name. This is your role within the app and the type of subscription you have.

Account details

You can find settings in the menu of the app.

Only yourself and Facility Managers can view your profile.

You can find the Privacy Policy in Settings under Privacy Policy. 


Your username will always be your email.

Unfortunately at this stage, you cannot customise usernames. 

Loved one discharged

If a resident is discharged at any point during your subscription the family account is frozen for a period of 1 year after the subscription date.

You will continue to receive new posts, events, and messages until your subscription ends. After the subscription date, you will not receive any new content but will have access to the app for a period of 1 year.


Manage notifications

You cannot adjust notifications within the app. 

You can turn off push notifications through your phone settings.

Notifications regarding new events, posts and information about your loved one will always be sent. 

Remove account

Deactivating or deleting my account

Unfortunately, the facility cannot re-activate a family members’ account if a Primary Contact has deactivated the account. As the Primary Contact has control over managing the family within the app, it is up to the family to resolve any issues leading to the deactivation.

If the facility has deactivated your account, please contact the facility.

To permanently delete your account, contact our support team.

Permanently deleting your account will delete all information. Once you permanently delete, you won’t have access to your account.

If you wish to only cancel your account, you will retain access for a period of 1 year.

To permanently delete an account you need to complete a form. This way we will be able to delete all your data permanently.

Another user cannot delete another users account. To permanently delete an account the family user will need to complete a help form. This way we will be able to delete all your data permanently.