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Family App General Support

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Getting started

Create an account

Yes, we provide you with a password to log into the app initially. If you want to choose your own password you can do so after you have logged in for the first time.

To change your password if you’re already logged in, follow the steps below.

  1. Tap the menu.

  2. Tap Settings and then Password Reset.

  3. Type your current password and new password and re-type new password, then tap submit.

To change your password if you’re logged out, follow the steps below.  

  1. Tap Forgot password at login. You will be redirected to an external Forgot your password page.

  2. Type in your username/email and tap submit. Make sure this is the email you used to sign up. An email with a new password will be sent to your email.

  3. Type in your new password to log in.

Invited by family to join

To change your password if you’re already logged in, follow the steps below.

  1. Tap the menu.

  2. Tap Settings and then Password Reset.

  3. Type your current password and new password and re-type new password, then tap submit.

To change your password if you’re logged out, follow the steps below.  

  1. Tap Forgot password at login. You will be redirected to an external Forgot your password page.

  2. Type in your username/email and tap submit. Make sure this is the email you used to sign up. An email with a new password will be sent to your email.

  3. Type in your new password to log in.

A Privacy Code is a 6 character combination of letters and numbers, for example, H83HFG. The code is a security measure that ensures only those who are related to the loved one have access to the account and details. 

If a user is having trouble with their Privacy Code not working, there are two ways to check.

  1. Check the right characters have been entered and are in the correct order as the SMS.

  2. Check case sensitivity.

You are only asked to register with your phone number if you have been invited by a Primary Contact. You were invited by SMS which is why you are being asked to enter your phone number and not your email.

Sometimes it takes a little time for an email to come through. We suggest you check your junk and spam inbox.

Haven’t received an email after 10 minutes?

Contact the facility and ask them to resend your invitation.

Confirm your account

You will finish creating your account by subscribing to the app.

Everyone using the app is required to subscribe. Subscriptions are set on a monthly renewal. Without a subscription you will not be able to access the app and see the daily insights of your loved one.

You can subscribe later but without a subscription you will not be able to access the app and see the daily insights of your loved one.

Invite Family

Adding a family user

If you’re a Power of Attorney/ Primary Contact you have the permission to invite and remove family members. Follow the steps below to invite a family member in the app.

  1. Tap the menu in the bottom right-hand corner of the app.

  2. Tap Invite.

  3. Search and select the name of the family member(s) you wish to invite.

  4. Tap Invite to invite.

After selecting invite, users will receive an email and SMS to join and download the app.

The email and SMS will include details about the app, a Privacy Code, phone number and link to download.

Deactivating a family member will:

  • immediatly remove their access to the app

  • initiate a partial refund

Please note only a Power of Attorney of Facility Administrator can deactivate a family member.

To deactivate a family member:

  1. Tap the menu and then tap Settings.

  2. Tap Manage Family.

  3. Tap Deactivate of the family member you wish to remove.

  4. Confirm deactivation by tapping Yes.

You can re-activate the family member later.

You cannot remove or cancel an invitation sent to a family member. You can however deactivate their account if you wish for them to no longer have access.

A Primary Contact is the only role that can invite additional family members to the app. If you can’t find a family member that you want to invite, check they are a contact in your phone. The invite list is pulling from your phones’ contact list.

About family

You can invite anyone to use the app, however, we suggest keeping it to family related to your loved one.

To view who has access to the app:

  1. Tap the menu and then tap Settings.

  2. Tap Manage Family.

A list of all active and deactivate family members will appear.

Manage family

Deactivating a family member will:

  • immediately remove their access to the app

  • initiate a partial refund

Please note only a Power of Attorney of Facility Administrator can deactivate a family member. You can re-activate the family member later.

Only a Primary Contact can manage family members.

  1. Tap the menu and then tap Settings.

  2. Tap Manage Family.

A list of all active and deactivated family members will appear.

You won’t be able to see who invited who. However, we suggest chatting with other Primary Contact’s who have access to the app. You can also ask the new family member as to who they were invited by.

If you are the only Primary Contact and did not invite family user to join the app, we suggest you contact the facility.

Only a Primary Contact can manage family members.

If you are a Primary Contact and cannot manage family, we suggest completing a form so we can help you solve this problem.

Only a Primary Contact and Facility Administrator can manage family users.

Invites not working

If an invite did not send:

  • Ensure they are in your phones contact list

  • Make sure their phone number is correct

  • Closing and re-opening the app

  • Restarting your phone

  • Checking for an internet connection

If you are still having problems, complete a form so we can help you solve this problem.

A Primary Contact is the only role that can invite family to the app. If you can’t find a family member that you want to invite, check they are a contact on your phone. The invite list is pulling from your phones’ contact list. 

If you are still having problems we suggest:

  • Closing and re-opening the app

  • Restarting your phone

  • Checking for an internet connection

If you are still having problems, complete a form so we can help you solve this problem.

Deactivate a family member

Deactivating a family member will:

  • immediately remove their access to the app

  • initiate a partial refund

Please note only a Primary Contact of Facility Administrator can deactivate a family member.

To deactivate a family member:

  1. Tap the menu and then tap Settings.

  2. Tap Manage Family.

  3. Tap Deactivate of the family member you wish to remove.

  4. Confirm deactivation by tapping Yes.

You can re-activate the family member later.

To view who has access to the app:

  1. Tap the menu and then tap Settings.

  2. Tap Manage Family.

A list of all active and deactivate family members will appear.

No, deactivating a family member will:

  • immediately remove their access to the app

  • initiate a partial refund

Please note only a Primary Contact or Facility Administrator can deactivate a family member.

Family disputes

Only the Primary Contact can reactivate your account. A facility cannot get involved in family decisions. We suggest you talk with your familys’ Primary Contact and ask to be reactivated.

We suggest you contact the facility. They will be able to provide you with information as to why your account was deactivated. They will be able to reactivate your account if required.

A Primary Contact cannot invite you to the app if a facility has deactivated your account.

We suggest contacting the person who deactivated your account.


Roles changes

Yes, a Primary Contact can change their role and vice versa.

A Primary Contact has access to directly chat with facility administration, invite new family members to use the app, and manage family members with access to the app.

Changing a role will:

  • Force log out the user from the app

  • Initiate a partial refund of the current subscription

  • Re-subscribe to the new role plan when they log into the app

Please note: If a Primary Contact wants to change their role to Family Member, they will lose all Primary Contact permissions. If a Family Member wants to change their role to a Primary Contact, they will have a different subscription price.

If you require your role to be changed, contact your facility.

There are two roles family users can be assigned. A Primary Contact user manages who has access to the app. 

  • Power of Attorney (POA) or Primary Contact (PC)
    Highest level of permissions and accessibility of all family members in the app.

  • Family Member
    A family user has all the same functions of a POA/ PC, except they cannot directly message a facility user or invite other family members.

A facility can change the role of a family user at any point within reason. If your role has been changed without prior notice, contact your facility and request to understand why.

Changing a role will:

  • Force log out the user from the app

  • Initiate a partial refund of the current subscription

  • Re-subscribe to the new role plan when they log into the app

Please note: If a Primary Contact wants to change their role to Family Member, they will lose all Primary Contact permissions. If a Family Member wants to change their role to a Primary Contact, they will have a different subscription price.

Only the facility can change the role of family members.

The roles can be changed from Primary Contact to Family Member or from Family Member to Power of Attorney. All changes are made by the facility and not the individuals of the family. Any decision made by the facility is final.

A Primary Contact has access to directly chat with facility administration, invite new family members to use the app and manage family members with access to the app.

Changing a role will:

  • Force log out the user from the app

  • Initiate a partial refund of the current subscription

  • Re-subscribe to the new role plan when they log into the app

Please note: If a Primary Contact wants to change their role to Family Member, they will lose all Primary Contact permissions. If a Family Member wants to change their role to a Primary Contact, they will have a different subscription price.

If you require your role to be changed, contact your facility.

Changing your role won’t affect your family’s’ subscriptions in any way. It just means that if a family member who does not have access to the app and wants it, will need to contact the facility. This also applies to families that need to manage members who have access to the app.

Home Feed

How the home feed works

The Home Feed will display a range of upcoming events within the community as well as events you have responded to. The feed will also display news posts that provide updates and information regarding residents and the facility.

Posts are created by the facility in which your loved one is placed. This means that the facility will post when they have information, events, and daily insights to share with families. The frequency of posting may differ between facilities.

While we would love for you to share the memories, we are currently working on a feature to make this happen!

Posts and events are published to all app users unless a post or event is specific to only a Primary Contact. A facility will only share a post to Primary Contact’s if they believe it is only necessary for their role.

There could be a number of reasons your feed is blank.

  • The facility has not posted a news post or event.

  • Your app needs a restart – we suggest closing the app and making sure it is all up-to-date.

  • You have limited internet connection.

If you are still having problems, be sure to complete the help form and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

While we would love for you to share the memories, we are currently working on a feature to make this happen!

While we would love for you to share the memories, we are currently working on a feature to make this happen!

While we would love for you to share the memories, we are currently working on a feature to make this happen!

The order of posts is influenced by the time the facility published the news post or event.


Send messages

To send a message:

  1. Tap Chat in the bottom navigation bar

  2. Select who you wish to send a message to

  3. Type your message in the text field and tap send.

Chats are created on a permission basis. You will only be able to chat with Facility Administrators who have activated chat. All Facility Administrators you see in Messages are active to chat. If you can not find the person you wish to speak to, we suggest sending a message to the Facility Manager who will be able to relay your message.

Who you can send messages to is dependent on your role. Whether you are a Family Member or Primary Contact you can select which chat to enter into. When you tap messages a list of channels will appear with who you can message.

For Primary Contacts, they will have a list of the Facility Administrators who have chat permissions and their family group chat(s).

For Family Members, they will have a list of only their family group chat(s).

A PC has more chat to facility options because it streamlines the communication between families and facilities. It is the responsibility of the family PC to communicate any necessary information back to families to keep them updated.

All messages that have been sent will appear within the chat. If there is a message that has a problem with delivery, it will keep trying until it has successfully sent.

We are working to have this feature available to our families. Chat currently operates with camera that allows you to share photos with family when visiting.

You can add a photo to a message in 2 ways; upload from your gallery or take a photo. 

To take a photo: 

  1. Open your chat
  2. Select the camera icon in the bottom left hand-side. This will open your camera and allow you to take a photo. 
  3. Tap the first square with the camera icon and take a photo. 
  4. Choose to either retake or use the photo. Selecting use the photo will send the image to the chat. 

To upload a photo: 

  1. Open your chat
  2. Select the photo you wish to send. 

To edit or delete a message hold down on the text or image. Choose to edit, delete or cancel. 

If you’re having trouble with sending or receiving messages, try:

  • Updating the latest version of the family app

  • Checking your internet connection is working

If you are still having problems, be sure to complete the help form and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Group conversations

Unfortunately no, all chats are created by who has access to the app. This means that all family members who have access to the app will be in the one group chat. You can not create a second group chat for only a few family members.

No, family users cannot leave a group chat. 

No, the facility can not see or reply to any messages within the family group chat.

For Primary Contacts, they will have a list of the Facility Administrators who have chat permissions and their family group chat(s).

For Family Members, they will have a list of only their family group chat(s).

Facility chat

The facility sets which staff can be messaged. The facility staff who you can message with will appear when you open chat in the app.

All conversations between the a Primary Contact and Facility are private.


View events

To view upcoming events:

  1. Tap the menu icon down the bottom of the screen

  2. Select Events

Events that are upcoming will appear under the heading “Upcoming Events”.


To view events your attending:

  1. Tap the menu icon down the bottom of the screen

  2. Select Events

Events you are attending will appear under the heading “Your Events” at the top of the screen. If you have not responded to any events, you will not have “Your Events” appear.

Unfortunately no, at this time you cannot see which family members are attending the same event. However, you can always chat about it in your family group chat.

Unfortunately no, notifications for individual events cannot be turned off.

Responding to events

To change your response to an event:

  1. Select the event you wish to change

  2. Scroll to the bottom and tap the RSVP button

  3. Complete the RSVP form again and tap RSVP.

If you selected you can attend, a tick will appear next to the word “Attending”.

If you selected you cannot attend, a cross will appear next to the words “Next Time.”

Events you have not responded to will have an arrow with the words RSVP next to it.

Respond to an event by completing the RSVP:

  1. Select the event you wish to respond to

  2. Tap the RSVP button

  3. Complete the questions regarding your attendance

  4. Tap RSVP

If you selected you can attend, a tick will appear next to the word “Attending”.

If you selected you cannot attend, a cross will appear next to the words “Next Time.”

Some events are created for only the residents. The facility will share these events with families to keep them informed and up-to-date with the going-on inside a facility. These events won’t have an RSVP button.

Guests are the people who do not have access to the app.

Unfortunately no, at this time you cannot share an event. However, you can always chat about it in your family group chat.


Read news

Posts will appear in the home feed or the posts section of the app.

To view a post:

  1. Tap posts in the bottom menu

  2. Select a post to view

Posts will appear with a coloured dot on the top right-hand side of each post if it has not been read. A post that has been read will appear with no coloured dot.

Each post will have who wrote the post and date published. To see this information, scroll to the bottom of any individual post.

Unfortunately no, at this time you cannot share a post. However, you can always chat about it in your family group chat.

Unfortunately no, at this time you cannot save a post. However, you can always chat about it in your family group chat.

Resident details

View your loved one's profile

To view your loved ones’ profile:

  1. Select the menu and tap Resident

  2. Tap the resident you wish to view

View their name, phone number, email, facility building, and room number, birthday, and family members.

Unfortunately no, at this time you cannot edit the details of your loved one. If you find an issue or need information changed contact your facility.

Unfortunately no, at this time you cannot change the details of your loved one. However, you can send a photo to the facility, who is able to upload the photo for you.

If your role is a Family Member, you will need to send the photo to the Primary Contact within your family. They will then be able to forward the photo onto the facility.

Yes, you can view any profiles you have access to.

Facility Information

View facility details

Sometimes you’re new to the area and you need directions to your loved ones’ facility. We have that ready for you.

To get directions:

  1. Tap the menu in the bottom navigation bar

  2. Select Facility in the menu

  3. Scroll to “Residents’ Facility” and tap Get Directions

The directions will open in maps.

All Facility Manager details can be viewed within the Facility section of the menu.

Download the app

iOS (iPhone)

To find the latest version of the app:

  1. Open App Store

  2. Select your profile in the top right-hand side

If your app needs to be updated it will appear under Available Updates. If it does appear, select update.

To install the app:

  1. Search for the app in the Apple App Store.

  2. Tap Get to download.

  3. Tap Open from the App Store, or tap the app icon to launch the app.

The app will begin to install.

To uninstall the app:

  1. Find the app on your phone

  2. Tap the app icon and hold until a menu appears

  3. Tap Delete App

The app will begin to uninstall and will no longer be available on your phone until you get the app again.

Android (Phone)

To find the latest version of the app:

  1. Open Google Playstore

  2. Select the menu icon in the top left-hand side

  3. Tap My apps & games

If your app needs to be updated it will appear under Updates. If it does appear, select update.

To install the app:

  1. Search for the App in the Google Play Store.

  2. Tap install.

  3. Tap the app icon to launch the app.

The app will begin to install.

The app will begin to install.

To uninstall the app:

  1. Open Google Playstore

  2. Select the menu icon in the top left-hand side

  3. Tap My apps & games

  4. Tap Installed

  5. Select the app and tap uninstall

The app will begin to uninstall and will no longer be available on your phone until you get the app again.